Far beyond the
horizons of Ellis Isle,
was built a land from hopes and dreams-
Our Forefathers struggled, toiled and labored,
so the bells of independence could ring.
Yes times have changed throughout the years,
but the true Spirit of America still lingers on-
It's Freedom we defend with courage and honor,
while it's brave never stands alone.
In celebration or silence, their voices we hear,
calling for us to encourage our men-
Gather 'round and rally to the tones of battle,
'til Independence we win.
'Ol Glory she flies through cloudy skies,
way above the oceans foam-
Her stars and stripes and stellar pride-
leads dear Johnny home.
The sounds of the drums have never faded,
the flutes they echo loud-
America Our America, the land we love-
we salute you, quite proud.
Far beyond the gates of Ellis Isle,
where it all first began-
Stood long ago our Forefather's dreams-
and hopes for this Great Land.