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It was a blustery gray winter's day, and Carla wanted to snuggle by the fire, but she knew there were so many that needed her and she just couldn't let them down.

Even now at the age of twenty-five, this time of year brought back so many memories, of her Mother and that cardboard box, and of course that Christmas Bear that she got as a special gift. Still to this day, it stayed on her bed, and when she felt alone, she would cuddle it close, making her feel as though her Mother was lying next to her. Watching over her, and keeping her safe.

The wind caught the door as she opened it to enter the shelter. Snow came blowing in all over the mat that read; "Welcome to Carla's Chrystal Palace" where everyone is Family.

Her heart would break when she would see children hanging at their Mother's side, as they made their way through the food line. She knew how they felt, living on the streets with no place to call home. It's a feeling that Carla would never forget, and she didn't seem to want to either.  In her mind to forget would be stepping past those she vowed long ago to help, and unless she was able to reach out and touch those old feelings, she was sure that she would be abandoning the very ones that needed her most. Carla just couldn't let that happen.

There was not a day went by that she didn't enter the kitchen, and serve the food line, and this time of the year, there were so many more to feed. It seemed as though the number of homeless and hungry would double. Some she already knew by name and the others she made a conscience effort to get to know. On this day, she looked up and there in the doorway was a man with a bundled up child in his arms. He had even her face covered with a blanket, that Carla was sure was the only one they owned. He stood her on the floor in front of him and began unwrapping this half-frozen blonde haired child. Her unkept hair was hanging in her face, and when she brushed it back with her hands, from beneath was born the biggest brightest blue eyes, Carla had ever witnessed on a child. Her face was thin, and her bottom lip quivered from the cold, but there was something so warm and so special about those  clear and precious blue eyes that Carla just couldn't turn away from. She leaned over and told 'Blue' that she'd be right back, and he knew he was to serve the rolls and drinks as well as the corn and greens.

As she approached her newest guests, the little girl quickly stepped slightly behind her Daddy and clung passionately to his leg just above his knee. Her tiny little hands still bright pink in color.

Carla smiled and said, "Welcome," greeting them as though she'd known them forever. Just as she got close enough she knelt down so that she could try and coax this hidden child from behind her Father. "And who do we have here?" The little girl wouldn't budge though, and not a word did she utter.  She didn't want to seem too forward, and she wouldn't question them, but she could tell neither of them had been eating well or resting well either. Carla knew, that even the homeless had a certain amount of self-pride, and they took great exception to someone trying to get too friendly too fast. Carla just couldn't help picking up on the feeling of being very concerned about the welfare of this man and child. She pointed them in the direction of the food line, and told them where the bathrooms were so they could wash up a bit before eating, then she turned and headed back toward her previous position.

It wasn't long before they both passed in front of her, and she gave them an extra large helping of warm nourishment. He carried the tray with both plates, over to one of the least full tables. Since it was warm inside, before they sat down, he removed the ragged and rather thin jacket, he was wearing and then removed the red flannel coat, that was held together in the front with safety pins, and hung them across the back of their chairs. He leaned over as though he was whispering something in her ear, and Carla noticed the little girl bowed her head.

Within just a few moments, her head raised and she immediately took the plastic fork in hand, and began eating. There were many moving about, and the room was filled with chatter and noise. In the winter time, and especially on snowy days, after they ate most would hang inside as long as they could, as though they were trying to store some of the inside warmth, for better times. That didn't bother Carla, she knew they had nowhere to go except back out onto the icy streets and sidewalks. Some of them would start cleaning the dining area, and straightening the chairs, just like they would have, if it would have been in their own homes.

After the line had ended, and the meal had been depleted from the full food bins, Carla made it over to the table where her newest guests were seated. She pulled out a chair and sat down, making small talk. The man pulled his attention away from his daughter to acknowledge Carla's presence. Finally he extended his hand. Carla took it just like she would have had it belonged to a senator or congressman.

This man's living status in her eyes made him no less than if he was the owner of millions. "Terry James and this is my daughter Olivia." Carla smiled at Olivia, and asked her how old she was. Finally this sweet child, broke her silence, and uttered her answer. "Six." Olivia said. "It's really good to meet both of you, and I hope you come back every day to see us." Carla said with a concerned look on her face.

Olivia of course didn't pick up on that as Terry did, but Carla saw the same concern on his. Without much prompting at all, Carla was soon to learn that Terry's wife and Olivia's Mother had taken off to find a new life without them. Not long afterwards, Terry and Olivia moved in with his Mother, that had recently passed away, and because his name wasn't on the lease, the landlord had asked Terry to move. Since he had nowhere to go, he took his child and the streets then became their domain. He had been hoping to find a job before Winter set in, but that had just not happened, and now they are caught like so many others. Carla knew this was a rough and all too real place to be in.

After about an hour, Terry ended their conversation by edging Olivia from her chair, and helping her on with her coat. "We must go now, Olivia, and get out of this nice lady's way." Just before they walked out the door and back into cold, Terry once again wrapped Olivia from head to toe in that old blanket. In just seconds they disappeared from Carla's sight.

Several days had went by and they had not returned to the food line. Carla began asking the others questions about them, and telling them if they happened to run into them, to please ask them to come back.

Much to her surprise, the very next day, she looked up, and there they were before her. TJ, smiled as his eyes met with Carla's. "It's good to see you both," Carla said. I'm glad you felt  comfortable enough to come back and visit with us."

Today was the day that Carla would begin decorating for the holidays, and she knew it wouldn't be too long before the place would turn into, a beautiful job well done. All those that ate would stick around to help. It was just something many of them done each year. They looked forward to it.

Since Mr. and Mrs. Winklemann had both now passed on, and she spent most of her time here at the center anyway, Carla decided to set the large family tree up here this year. Oh what a wonderful specimen it was too. It was in the corner and it was fully decorated, but the lights wouldn't be turned on until later that night. It had become somewhat of a tradition, for the lighting of the tree, for a late night get together, for all that had helped and all that wanted to attend, for some special sweet treats and egg nog.

There was always somebody that could play the piano, and they would end up gathering 'round and singing Christmas songs. Carla looked forward to it each year. Olivia's eyes lit up even more, as she watched the holidays come to life before her. Carla made it clear to TJ, that he and Olivia were more than welcome to attend. And so they would.

That night, TJ and Olivia were some of the first through the doors. And for the first time, Carla would see a smile on this child's face. It brought tears to her eyes, for a smile on the face of a homeless child was something of a treasure. After just a while the entire center had filled with people. Carla had a special announcement, to make this evening, that she hoped would change the lives of many of them.

Around eight o'clock, Carla took her place in front of the tree. With mic in hand, she called Olivia to stand beside her. After a bit of coaxing from TJ and Carla, Olivia made her debut. Shyly she stood there, while Carla announced that before Christmas, the building next to the center would be opened and available for the homeless to take shelter in, from the bitter cold.

She had not so much as whispered a word of her surprise to anyone! The sighs swept across the room as if somebody had just handed each of them a winning lottery ticket. Immediately, Carla bent down and whispered in Olivia's ear, for her to help her plug the lights in on the tree. As soon as the tree illuminated, the room broke into "Silent Night."

Tears again filled Carla's eyes, and she felt the warmth and the magic of the holidays, that because of the Winklemann's taking her in after her Mother had passed away, she had grown to love and appreciate. It really was the season of miracles and magic.

Over the next few weeks Carla and TJ and Olivia, spent more and more time together. Finally, the day came when Carla asked TJ if it would be okay for her to spend some alone time with Olivia. Carla had some errands to run for the center, and since TJ was now helping with the setting up of the new shelter, she figured it would be the perfect opportunity, for her and Olivia to get better acquainted. "How 'bout it, Olivia, do you want to go with Carla?" TJ asked his daughter.

Olivia took Carla by the hand, and off they went. Grabbing their coats on the way out, they were off on their own. By the time they returned several hours later, Olivia was sporting a new coat, new shoes and several new suits of clothes. Her hair had been cut and fixed, and Carla had taken her by the house and bathed her. She and her smile was as radiant as those beautiful blue eyes.

On their return, Olivia almost couldn't wait to get to her Father's side, to show off her new look. As she approached her Daddy, tears began to well in his eyes, for this was the first time in months that he'd seen his daughter so happy.

Tomorrow was Christmas Eve, and the grand opening of the new center. Carla would be engrossed in the final details before the ribbon cutting. It was quite late that night before she would be able to return home. As they prepared to leave the center, TJ was bundling Olivia up, and Carla got this sudden urge to ask them if they would like to join her that evening as a guest at her home.

This was not the normal thing that Carla would do, but something inside her told her that she would be safe in this decision. Olivia, began a child's begging. "Please Daddy! Please! Can we go to Carla's?" TJ had a look of not exactly knowing how to answer his daughter, but he knew that the warmth of a home, was so much better than the icy sidewalks they normally resided upon.

TJ and Carla spent most of the way, talking about the center and how she became the owner. Most knew Carla's story, but TJ was one of the very few, that didn't. He felt the genuine humbleness in Carla's voice as she told in detail how she came to live with the Winklemann's.

They pulled into the garage, and all got out and went in. TJ was a bit taken aback by the size of the estate. He had no idea, and felt a bit shy as though he was imposing, but Carla, wouldn't allow those feelings to hang around long. She started flipping on lights and building a fire in the main fireplace. There was of course central heating and she would use that until the fires could warm the place.

Olivia sitting on the edge of the sofa next to Carla, stood up and whispered in her ear. Carla smiled. "Okay, go get them." TJ had a puzzled look on his face, as Olivia left the room and returned carrying several packages. They weren't wrapped in Christmas paper, they were just wrapped. Olivia placed them on the floor at her Daddy's feet, and told him they were from her.

TJ gave Carla a disbelieving look for he knew whatever these boxes contained, they would have had to of been purchased by Carla and not his daughter. Before TJ could say anything, Carla told him not to argue just open them. It would be that very moment when Carla would notice, where Olivia had inherited those blue eyes from.

By the time he was through looking inside the gifts, he would have a full suit of clothes, new shoes, and a watch. Soon they were all feeling the tiredness of the day, and Carla showed them to the guest rooms and since she had already had the butler build a fire, they were warm enough for them to bathe and ready themselves for bed.

The next morning, Carla met them at the breakfast table. She was almost speechless, at the difference the bath and clothes had made on TJ. "Well," she said with an approving smile, " Aren't you a handsome fellow?"

As their eyes met, Carla for the first time in her life, actually felt the flutter of butterflies in her stomach, but she had a busy and full day ahead of her, and she didn't have time for anything else at the moment.

They ate breakfast, and off to the center they went, but before they would get there, Carla pulled in next to the curb, in front of the barbershop, and had TJ go inside for the final shine on his new look. When he returned, he not only had a haircut, but he was also clean shaven except his full mustache, he had opted to keep. As he got back into the front seat, again their eyes met, and once again there was those butterflies. One more time, Carla would push them out of her mind.

Lots of people would come and go that day from the center, and the food lines seemed endless. They were serving their Christmas dinner, that evening, and then the children would open gifts while talking to Santa. It had become tradition, for the children to write their hopes and gift wishes on a piece of paper and place them on the tree, throughout the weeks leading up to Christmas Eve. That night they would open them and read them for all to hear. Some of the things those kids asked for would break one's heart, and Carla knew this year wouldn't be any different. Or though she thought.

One by one, the children would walk up to the Angel tree, and take off their papers to read. Carla would help those that had difficulty reading, or was just too young for the task. Finally there would only be one left, and Olivia made her way toward the tree. Reluctantly she reached and took it in hand. She stood there looking up at Carla, almost blushing, but Carla knelt down and asked Olivia if she needed help. Olivia then handed her the small envelope. Like all the others, Carla never hesitated to open it. Inside in a child's handwriting was this:

Dear Santa,
My name is Olivia James. I am six years old. I live with my Daddy, and he takes good care of me. He says I'm a good girl. I would leave you some cookies and milk, but I don't know where to leave them. Santa, I don't want any toys this year, but could you help my Daddy find me a new Mommy? My other one, didn't want me and Daddy no more, and Daddy don't laugh now. I hope I been good enough for this gift.

Love you Santa,
Olivia James

ps Could you bring my new friend Carla a special gift too?


By the time Carla finished reading Olivia's request, there wasn't a dry eye in the building, and all of them were fixed on this special new angel and her now embarrassed Father. He didn't let that stop him from sweeping his daughter off her feet and giving her a huge hug, and telling her how much he adored and loved her.

Carla cleared her throat, and done her best to push back the tears, and announced that the ribbon cutting on the new building would be immediately. The entire group followed behind her as Carla went to make her dedication speech, she had an added thought. that She would let Olivia, cut the ribbon just as she had lit the angel tree.

After the ribbon had been cut, all went inside where they would find rows and rows of beds with not one but two new clean blankets,pillows, with locking lockers for their belongings, and adequate restrooms and showers. Several tv rooms with game tables. There were seperate rooms for the men and women, and some family quarters for those like TJ and Olivia, so that they could be together, in one room.

Twice a month, there would be barbers and beauticians visit the shelter, and all that needed to could get their hair cut and fixed. There would be a healthcare nurse on duty at all times, and an employment counselor to help those that were able to find work.

As the crowd began to make their way through the center, Carla had other things now on her mind. Every year she would take the notes from the angel tree and hit the stores, to try and fill as many of the children's requests as possible, so that on Christmas morning, when they arrived at the center they would find that Santa had delivered their gifts.

This year though, she had quite the dilemma to hurdle. What and how would she fill the request for Olivia. By the time she was through with her list, Carla was exhausted and still she had not found one item that she thought was appropriate for this child that wanted nothing but a new Mommy.

She couldn't let her come into the shelter without gifts beneath the tree. Finally, she found a pair of pajamas and a special soft blanket made from pastel colors, but still she knew that wasn't what Olivia had in mind. That would just have to do, Carla thought, after all she couldn't buy her a Mommy.

Carla delivered all the gifts to center and placed them in their respectful places. Then she headed for home, after peeking in on the other center, to make sure all was going smoothly. Most all had already retired, so Carla decided it was time for her to go to go home and to bed.

As tired as she was, she couldn't close her eyes. Still hearing the request of that angel named Olivia. Carla reached and took her own special Christmas Bear in her arms and hugged it tight. Just as she was falling asleep, she had this great idea. That's it! she thought to herself, I know what to give Olivia! Carla turned over and fell fast asleep.

Carla always arrived at the center on Christmas morning even before the sun came up, so that she could make the last minute preparations for the children's arrival. There would be lots of hot coffee, chocolate,  fruit cake, and the regular breakfast foods for those that wanted them.

The center didn't normally serve breakfast but after all, this was a special day. This year was even more special, just because of Olivia and TJ. Soon the center was filled with children and their parents, streaming in from the building next door.

Carla was on her third cup of coffee when in through the door came Olivia holding tight to her Daddy's hand. Carla and TJ exchanged greetings, while she handed him his first cup of coffee. He took it to his lips and sipped it carefully while the steam flowed up and over his head. Carla then turned all her attention toward Olivia. She took her hand in hers and guided her toward the tree. Reaching in the back, she pulled three presents and laid them at Olivia's feet. First she handed her the pajamas, and this bright eyed child snuggled their warm feel. Then came the blanket, and she wrapped it around her shoulders, but then, then there was this next box, that none in the building was prepared for. As Olivia unwrapped it slowly, being very careful not rush through the excitement, finally as she reached in beneath the tissue paper, she pulled out Carla's very own Christmas Bear. Olivia looked at Carla as she hugged up to that bear, for Carla had told Olivia the story behind it, the day that she had taken her home with her to bathe her before they went shopping.

Even at six years old, Olivia knew just how special that bear was to Carla. It was the last Christmas gift her Mother had given her, and now she was gifting it to her. Carla told Olivia, that now every time she needed a Mommy hug, all she would have to do is hug the bear. Then she told Olivia, as she looked up at TJ, "Look Angel, and it also makes your Daddy smile."

From then on, everywhere Olivia was seen, she had that special Christmas Bear in her arms, and every time TJ saw Carla, he would get a smile on his face.

Carla? Well...she's still trying to figure out how to deal with those butterflies!

Merry Christmas!

Spread Your Wings and Fly With Angels


By Lisa Hilbers









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