canyons run deeper than
any on the pages of history, and
today we are all guilty of
letting them
be covered over, by allowing
them to be erased
from our chalkboards of
There is
not one that fought, that
will tell you that each and
every second they
spent, they were not faced with
the dueling
of personal challenges, from
childhood teachings,
to adult beliefs.
Religiously flowing rivers of
angst and torment,
to the simple missing of close
family members
and adoring sweethearts.
It was
definitely more than war. It was
a hell like none alive had ever
encountered. The
place, if not that it had been
previously named, would
have mattered not at all, while
during and afterwards, the
atrocities of death, the depth
of suffering, the lifetime of
nightmares, not to mention the
mental disabilities it
would forever inflict upon not
just a few but
the entirety of it's
They stood
eye to eye and toe to toe,
with a much more straight
shooting enemy than
those of the human being. Even
the natural elements
of the thick relentless jungles,
claimed to be as much
or more of a deadly threat. The
rain burned the flesh
as quickly and evenly as the
sun's fiery rays, the diseased
rivers and the poisonous snakes
and insects.
The meat preying Bengal tigers
and the scavenging hyenas,
each posed their own war against
The soil
itself not only laced with
mines and booby traps, it too
was braided with
diseases. Malaria, cholera,
anthrax, so many that
one could never be assured that
even if the bombs
and enemy fire didn't get you,
you would make it
home alive.
feet, their muscles their bodies
and minds
all ached beneath the torments
of stress. They each
knew it would only get worse
before it would get
better. There was no light at
the end of a tunnel.
They weren't going to simply
wake and find themselves
to be the victim of just 'only'
a dream, they were
really there, in this more than
real nightmare,
and they had only one choice,
and that was to
do what they had to do, to
defeat all the enemies they
faced, and make it out alive and
assure as many
others as possible the same
Each also
knew, there were those among
from their own side, that would
do what most wanted
to believe the unthinkable, the
unimaginable, to be
sent back to the safety of their
Just because they shared the
same uniform, the same
country codes, didn't mean they
could trust them
whole heartedly, or without
question, but they
also knew, they may be forced to
do so
without choice.
paranoia would become an evil
all it's own,
still it's wasn't the damaging
force that each of them
would face as they found
themselves back home,
shoved into the arms of anti-war
protest crowds, and
the cruel censorship of the
Parents covering their
children's ears and eyes, to
not just the brutality and
reality of war, but also
to the noble sacrifices that was
taking place to
ensure the longstanding Freedoms
that the U.S. had
founded upon throughout the
pages of history.
That place
and time I speak of, and as you
know, was Vietnam.
Today, there is another time and
place, where
sacrifices are being made by
another group
of Noble participants.
Has the War in Iraq turned into
another Vietnam?
Anytime there is war, there is
going to be
ways to compare one war against
In the case of any conflict,
there are sacrifices made.
Lives are lost, on both sides,
and as unfortunate
as it is, there are always
unintended casualties and
Families are grief stricken, and
angry words are spoken.
Blame falls in the lap of the
Commander and Chief
that holds the office that he
was voted into.
Again I ask, is Iraq another
No more than it is another WW1,
WW2, Korea,
the Civil War, etc...etc...
People made sacrifices, people
died and people
became angry from their losses-
there are three things that as
a citizen of this Great United
that I ask each of you to
First but
not least by any means:
To not
censor your children from the
noble sacrifices that has been
made throughout
history and those that are being
made today
To Support
and rally others to support
each and every Troop that is
anywhere around the world
And to
make a conscience choice to
go to the polls in November and
exercise your Right to Vote