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Texas Bob's World



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THIS WEEK,..I be doing a ''Different'' but Controversial Story, the ''Request'' of a Group of 'Law Enforcement' Officer Friends who asked for 'Clarification' of this ''Delicate'' matter....A thing of 'Conscious' per say....
Many a Family has often ''Wondered'' the Stand God has on this ''Issue'' ,..including the Families of not only the ''Victims'' but of the ''Accused'',.I Sincerely hope this puts it into ''Perspective'' and  puts it to to speak!




''Top O' The Morn. To Ya!''..
                              Lets rub the sand out of your O'l Glims and go grab
that 'First' Cup O' Joe!''
Now,..Put the ''Dogs Out'',..Lock the Doors,.. Pull the Shades Closed and
Put that ''Shot-Gun'' by your Coffee-Pot!,..Were going to talk about a very ''Controversial Subject this Morning...''Is Capital Punishment Biblical?''
Yup!,..The O'l 'Eye for an Eye' as it is said!..
Allot of cases being set forth in the ''Judicial System'',...Yes ''Execute''...
No!..Don't Execute,..
Its the ''Law'',,..its ''Inhumane''..they might suffer! ...Hmmm!
O.K....Point taken except this ''Humane'' point....Was it ''Humane'' how the Victims were treated before their ''Tragic'' end,..How Much did they Suffer?!..
Society,..How soon they forget the ''Fear'' of a Child or any One when they ''Brutally Killed'' at the hands of another,.. Until it is ''One of Their Own''
O.K...I'm going off to the Left there,.So I'll Stick to ''Scripture'' and the ''Law of the Land'' according to the Bible AND to God!...
Genisis..9:5-6...''And from each man too, I will demand an accounting for the Life of his fellow man. Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed,..for in the image of God has God made man.''
Said ''Right from Scripture'' according to the ''Word of God''..and that is what we call..''The Law of the Land''...
No ''Loop Holes'', 'Legal Wrangling',.. no room to Argue!
That passage not only predates Mosaic Law, but it demands universal
adherence to the sanctity of life.
In 'Exodus-21'..and '..Deuteronomy-19'... the Bible reaffirms Gods perspective on 'Capital Punishment'.
To ''Murder'' a Creation of God not only shows 'Contempt' for God's Creation but also shows contempt for the Creator Himself.
The ''First Murder'' recorded was when ''Cain Killed Able'',..who were the sons  ''Adam and Eve''...
In the 'New Testament'',..Jesus acknowledged the legitimacy of capital punishment before Pilate..''John-19:11''..
Even on the ''Cross'' one of the 'Convicts' confessed...''We are Punished justly,
for we are getting what our deeds deserve''...''Luke-23:41''.
Yes,..there are cases where it is ''Justified''...War...Self Defense..etc. But that is up to the ''Courts''..a Judge and a Jury of your peers.
In short,..God instituted ''Capital Punishment'' in the most earliest stages of human civilization Before the ''Mosaic Law'' it appears to be an enduring moral principle in the sanctity of Life.
''Cruel and Unusual?''...Ask the 'Victims' first!..
O.K.,..Open up the Curtains and let them ''Watchdogs'' in,..Put Your O'l ''Pee-Shooter'' away now and get a ''Refill'' on that Cold Cup O' Joe!..
Enough said,..The ''Bible'' says it all!...I mean ''God'' said it,..I Believe Him!
I leave you with this ''Parable''...
''When Satan strikes,..Strike back with the 'Word of God!''
''If we know the truth,..we can discern what is false''
May God Hold All of You Close to His Heart in these Trying Times,..
Sherrie and I Pray for All of You,..Won't You Stop for a Second and do the same?..Just say a ''Little Thank you'' to The Father,..He will Bless You for it!
May We Always be able to Say..''May God Bless America!''..and Our Troops who are in ''Harms Way''..For it is in..''God WeTrust!''... ''OOORRRAAAH!''
Pastor Frank..the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie




