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Jeremiah-25:32 - Isaiah..24 : 1..Part 2


Part 2 Of Sunday's Message For 5/8/11

First let Me Say This,..Not Only as a ''Pastor'',..But as a Combat Wounded Marine...
Our Troops,..They Must Always be Supported,.. and Never Forgotten,...They are
Fighting for ''God ,..Country,..and Family!'',..
As Jesus Died to ''Free us from Sin'',..Our Soldiers Die to ''Keep us Free''.Semper-Fi!
Alllllllrity Now,..Top O' The Morning! ...
               Let's fill our mug's with that ''Cup O' Joe'' or your favorite libation,...
Pull up that ''Comfy'' chair or 'Cushion' and ''Sit a Spell!''...
We got ''Part Two'' of the 'Doom n' Gloom' Message to Finish! ...and ''Yes''..
God Let's us know that there is ''Hope!''...
Now,..I Discussed last week,..How ''We the People'',..or should I say that the
Nation and Governments of many Countries are ''Turning Away'' from the Lord
and the ''Teachings'' of the Bible,...
And in Response,..The Heavenly Father is ''Unleashing'' Catastrophic Events
Around the World as a Warning!...
Let's Start with Isaiah - 24 : 1...''The Lord is going to Devastate the Earth and
leave it desolate. He will ''Twist'' the Earth's surface and ''Scatter'' its people''
Japan suffered a 'Deadly Earthquake..Followed by a 'Typhoon' the World has
ever seen,..Then..a 'Nuclear' disaster on top of that!...
Again We have had 'Our Share' of
as with the ''Rest of the World''
Why,..You Ask?...
Again...Isaiah..24 : 5-6...''The People have defiled the Earth by breaking God's Laws
and by violating the covenant he made to Last Forever. So God has pronounced a
'Curse on the Earth'. Its People are paying for what they have done!''
Isaiah ...24 : 21...''A time is coming when the Lord will Punish the powers above and
the rulers of Earth''..
We not only are Defying God,..But Denying His Word and Laws,,.Not to mention
that We are Taking the 'Garden of Eve',...Earth to such a ''State of Pollution'' and
We are the ''Keepers'' of the Garden here on Earth,..And the Keepers of ''His Word''
He is ''Flexing His Muscle's'' so to Speak,..He is ''Stepping Back'',letting the ''Evil
Leaders 'rule',..and Wars to ''Spring-Up' across All Continents,..And to put the
''Coup-De-Grace'' on it,..while,..Letting the ''Earth Revolt'',..Literally
''Throwing -Up'' the Poison's fed to Her and ''Revolting'' against it's Keepers..'Us!'
Pray?..Hmmmmm./been ''Preaching'' that to 'Deaf Ear's'...But!,..There are those
of ''Us'' who ''Stand By His Word'' and have not given up!...
What is there for us to do,..what can we expect?...God's Promise as it is Written..
Isaiah..32 : 15-18...''But once more God will send us ''His Spirit.''. The wasteland
will become fertile, and the fields will produce rich crops. Everywhere in the
land Righteousness and Justice will be done. Because everyone will do what
is right. There will be Peace and Security forever. God's people will be free
from worries and their homes peaceful and Safe!''
I Speak for the ''Many of Us'' who do 'Believe' in God and His Promises that We
the Believer's have a ''Rough Road'' ahead,.But as Jesus told the ''Troubled Waters''
to Calm down,..It will too come for Us also in Time..
Well,..That's about it for the ''Fire n' Brimstone''..or 'Part Two!'',..
Wanted to try to ''Explain in an easy to Understand Message'' about what ''In
Heaven's Name'' is going on in the World and Why!..
My Thoughts,..Hang on to Your Faith in Your ''Walk of Life'',..Keep the Lord in
Your Heart and on ''Your Tongue!'',..
Profess Your Love and Faith in His Word,..We'll all be 'O.K!'
I see my ''Cup O' Joe'' is gone,..better get a 're-fill!'' and end the ''Doom n' Gloom''
Next week I'll have a ''Peppy'' Message!
  ..I leave you with these 'Parables!''
''One Day,.God Will Right Every Wrong!''
''The Only Leaders Qualified to Lead,..are Those who have Learned to Serve''
''We Shape Tomorrow's World by what we Teach Our children Today''
Till next week,.Sherrie and I Hold All of You,..Along with Our ''Warrior's'' over
in Harm's way in Prayer,..May God ''Bless You All!''
May We,.as the ''Garden's Keeper's'' Always be able to say..
''May God Bless America'' for it is ''In God We Trust'',...''OOORRRAAAH''
Be Safe Now,..Give The Father a ''little'' shout-out today!
We Love You,..''Semper-Fi'' and Blessings,..Pastor Frank n' Sherrie



