

Welcome to my Texas page, It is only the beginning, of Texas  Pages.

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The 28th State - admitted to the Union Dec. 29, 1845

State Name - from Tejas, Indian word meaning Friendly

State Capital - Austin

State Seal View State Seal  

State Dish - Chili

Coastline - Approximately 367 miles

Rivers and Streams - More than 3,700

Lakes - More than 5,175 square miles (Toledo Bend Reservoir, covering 35 square miles is the largest in Texas)

Highest point - Guadalupe Peak at 8,749 feet

Land mass - 266,807 square miles

Population - (1991) 17,349,000 ranked third among the 50 states

State Bird -  Mockingbird

State Fish - Guadalupe Bass

State Flower -  Bluebonnet

State Gem -  Topaz

State Grass - Sideoats Grama



State Motto - Friendship
(Don't Mess with Texas)

State Seashell - Lightning Whelk

State Song - "Texas, our Texas"

Popular Songs in Texas -  Click Here"Good ol Music"

State Tree - Pecan

Texas is the nation's leading producer of oil, natural gas, beef, sheep, goats, wool, cotton, watermelons and rice.

The State Capitol in Austin stands tallest among all the states.

Texas has more counties (254) than any other state.

Of the nation's ten largest cities, 3 are in Texas (San Antonio, Dallas, and Houston).

Texas A&M University supplied more ROTC officers in World War II than all other schools in the nation combined.

The San Jacinto Monument The tallest monument in the US. 20 feet higher than the Washington Monument. note the bridge at St Louis is taller... but it's not a monument.

The Yellow Rose of Texas, Do you know what the relationship between the San Jacinto Monument and The Yellow Rose Of Texas Is?

Today, approximately 18 million people live in Texas, only slightly outnumbering its 15 million cattle. Texas today is also home for about 2.5 million deer and 200,000 alligators.



The land area of Texas is larger than all of New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois combined. It extends 801 miles from north to south and 773 miles from east to west.

The Dallas/Ft. Worth airport is larger than New York City's Manhattan Island.

What makes the Texas Longhorn unique?








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Page design By: Texas Bob

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